Effective customer service saving your time and money by ensuring deliveries of your pallets whenever you need them
ECR Concept
(Efficient Consumer Response)
As a licenced manufacturer of EUR Epal pallets, Firma Handlowo-Produkcyjno-Transportowa Marian Gerka has implemented a modern ECT concept, which deviates from the current stereotypes and mental barriers impeding mutual cooperation.
Our company is able to ensure timely deliveries of packaging to our customers at any day and time, whenever needed.
Briefly speaking, our concept is a strategic tool in building of modern techniques improving management of the chain of supplies, which constitutes foundations for faster, better and more effective customer service as well as satisfaction of demands of even most demanding customers. This contributes to optimization of costs, which results directly from more effective use of warehouse space, which, instead of maintaining of inefficient areas for pallet stacking, may be used for the company’s other activities.
Owing to ECR concept Firma Handlowo-Produkcyjno-Transportowa Marian Gerka is close to its customers and its strategic stock levels are located in PL: 87-300 Brodnica.
1. Elimination of costs
Elimination of warehouse costs, which do not add any value.
2. Highest quality
Ensuring of highest quality customer service
3. Maximization of effects
Maximization of effects of activities and elimination of barriers throughout the entire chain of supplies
- Elimination of unnecessary costs of storage
- Effective use of your warehouse
- Highest quality customer service
- Fast and prompt delivery every day
- Reduction of transport costs
- Better planning of production and sales
- Optimum selection and comfortable purchases
- Tailored deliveries